Les nouvelles stratégies 2022

Jul 8, 2023

Our Company

Chi-X-Re isan alternative risk and actuarial consultancy founded in 2020 by itsPresident, Carmela Calvosa, a citizen of the world and a global actuary. Chi-X-Re waslaunched in the time of lockdowns but its ambition and purpose of flexible actuarial resourcing is not at all confined by geography.

Our Services

Financial Reporting

The reporting standard ? IFRS 4, IFRS 17, Solvency 2, SAM, US GAAP, French GAAP. The requirement ? Review, audit, exécution, implementation, rethinking the process and the methodology.

Risk Management

The requirement ? Framing the problem, defining the options available, shaping the solutions, risk based decision making, risk tracking, obtaining insights, ensuring oversight.

Interim executive roles

Your key senior executives and most experienced resources are out on maternity leave, off ill or on sabbatical ? A new rôle has not been filled or an additional experience actuary is need for a specific short term project ? We can fill your temporary requirement for CRO, Head of Actuarial Function, Senior Management Team members.

Longevity Management

We our working on something new, watch this space.